HUGE MagMod Sale Happening Right Now!

As many of you know I have been a MagMod ambassador for many years. Their products are an essential part of how I create amazing photographs. With the COVID 19 situation, and MagMod being the amazing company that it is, they have decided to put nearly ever single item on their website on a MEGA SALE! My personal favorite item is the MagBox. The Pro-Kit is usually priced at $499 and is on sale for $349!

On top of that unheard of discount, as an ambassador, I am able to offer an additional discount! Simply click on the bottom below and you’ll be brought to the MagMod website and my additional discount will automatically be applied to your order!

The other products that I absolutely love are the MagGrid and the MagGels. One of, or often both, of these two modifiers is on my lights 95% of the time. This allows me to control my light spill and insure that the light matches the rest of the lights in the room.

MagMod MagGel Discount Coupn
MagMod Discount Coupon Code

To learn more about how I use MagMod products to create amazing photographs, check out this “How I Shot It” video where I grow through and explain lighting setup for several photos.


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