Arrowhead Golf Club Wedding by JMGant Photography - AJ and Jordan
I had a wonderful time capturing AJ and Jordan wedding at Arrowhead Golf Club. They were surrounded not only by the beautiful scenery, but by their amazing friends. Everyone danced hard and had a wonderful time celebrating their marriage.
Here's their story: : AJ went to college in Durango, Colorado, and Jordan took her there for a camping trip in August, 2016. Late one night at our remote campsite outside town, Jordan was rifling around in the tent while AJ waiting on a blanket. He finally came over, and they were looking at the stars. Jordan said, "A long time ago at a sushi restaurant you told me when a penguin proposes to another penguin, it searches for the perfect pebble to present to its mate." He gave her a pebble from the campsite, which was apparently a surprisingly hard thing to find. He then presented her with a ring shaped like a bowl of macaroni and cheese, as AJ had long insisted she wanted to wear a wedding band and no engagement ring, and macaroni and cheese is her favorite thing. AJ said yes, and together they watched the moon come up over the mountains.